January 4 - 13, 2020
Racial Justice and Identity in Cuba:
The Arts and Social Change
Despite being only 90 miles away from the U.S. coast, many people in the U.S. have a poor understanding of Cuban society and its achievements. For example, Cubans have one of the best healthcare systems in the world, praised by the World Health Organization for their emphasis on preventative care. Their educational system is world-renowned as is their emphasis on the arts. Cuba is also a majority Afro-descendant nation, which continues to struggle to advance racial equity. We will look at this history and present conditions, paying particular attention to the way activist and organizations have used art and culture to promote social change, but always contextualized through a lens that contemplates race.
Cost: $2,000 + international airfare + $100 visa
Application & $250 deposit due October 4, 2019.
Remaining Balance due December 4, 2019.
Price covers meals, lodging, interpreters, and transportation within Cuba, along with reading and activist tools.
Delegation Description
Explore Cuba's educational system---learn about their primary and secondary schools, visit the historic Literacy Campaign Museum, learn about the Latin American School of Medicine and the National Art School.
Have discussions about race relations and racial identity with Cuban scholars.
Visit the Cuban Art Factory in Havana.
Deepen your experience with the preservation of Afro-Cuban spirituality, Santeria.
Visit the House of Africa.
Explore Cuba's medical system, prevention efforts and treatment.
Get to know sustainable agricultural practices.
Learn the impacts of the U.S. blockade against Cuba on the lives of ordinary Cubans.
Payment Information
MAIL CHECK (Save us $ on processing fee):
Witness for Peace Midwest
PO box 6078
Minneapolis, Mn 55406
*Please note the name of the delegation on the check
For More Information
For an application and more details, please contact:
Dr. Aldo Garcia-Guevara (Latin American Historian and Delegation Organizer), aldo.v.guevara@gmail.com or
Benjamin Gerhardt (Graduate Student in the African Diaspora), gerhardtbenH@gmail.com