May 23-June 1, 2025
About the Delegation
Join us on a journey to meet the diverse people of Cuba and learn about their history, successes, and challenges around the issues of race, gender, and environmentalism. How have concepts of race and identity evolved from the times when a million enslaved persons were forcibly brought to the island, through abolition, independence, and revolution, to ongoing attempts to end racism under socialism? What is the impact of the Family Code passed by referendum in 2022, in providing greater rights for women, same-sex couples, LGBTQ+ people, children, and elders? How does this island nation respond to climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss? How can we act in solidarity with Cubans suffering under the decades-long U.S. trade blockade?
Delegation Fee: $2400
The delegation fee covers all in-country expenses (lodging, travel, meals, interpretation, etc.) along with pre-travel resources, reading lists, and support. The delegation fee also covers our international team’s expenses for delegation preparation and coordination. Any amount paid over the delegation fee will go to support delegation scholarship and sliding scales, helping to ensure the delegations are more accessible to everyone. A delegation payment of $2400 or more is ideal to cover all of your expenses and the broader delegation needs-- please pay this amount if you have institutional support or other financial resources.
Sliding Scale: $1800-$2400, sliding scale requests can be made in the application
Delegation Dates: May 23-June 1st, 2025
Deposit: $300 - Due February 21st, 2024, remaining payment due on April 10th.
Refund policy: read our full refund policy here
February 21st, 2025
Your Ground Costs for a Solidarity Collective Delegation include almost everything in the 10 day journey
Payment Information
MAIL CHECK (Save us $ on processing fee):
Witness for Peace
5123 W 98 St. #1129
Minneapolis, MN 55437
*Please note the name of the delegation on the check DO NOT write the word "Cuba" on the check
For More Information

Costs and Funding
Pre-departure orientation
Ground transportation
Comfortable accommodations
Three daily meals and snacks
Spanish-English interpretation
Honoraria for local organizations and presenters
Experienced U.S.-based activists to accompany the delegation as Delegation Coordinators
Ground Costs do not cover:
International airfare
Souvenirs and gifts
Extra tips - we give a group tip to our guide and driver at the end of the journey
2024 Ground Costs: $2,400
We provide support and resources for your fundraising.

Carol Wallace teaches Spanish at the University of Minnesota Duluth. She became actively involved in Witness for Peace Solidarity Collective when she went on a delegation to Honduras in 2017. Since then, she has served on the board of Witness for Peace Midwest and coordinated delegations to Oaxaca, Mexico in 2019 and Cuba in May 2023. She finds traveling with WFPSC inspiring both personally and professionally because of the opportunities to meet a wide variety of people, hear their stories, and talk about how we can work in solidarity to make our world a better place.